Football Combination � Rules 14.
Continuation of Membership or Withdrawal of a Club 14 a: A Club intending to withdraw from the League on completion of its fixtures and fulfilment of all other obligations to the League must notify the Secretary in writing by 31st March each Season or be liable to a fine. 14 b: Any Club wishing to withdraw a team must do so in writing, stating its reasons, to the Chairman of the Fixtures Committee with a copy to the Divisional Match Secretary. The Fixtures Committee will consider each request on its own merit, and may determine that any request made after 31st October will apply only to the lowest team of the Club making the request. 14 c: A Club shall not be allowed to withdraw any or all of its teams from the League after the AGM for the following Season without the permission of the Fixtures Committee. 14 d: In the event of a Club which is an unincorporated association withdrawing and/or disbanding it shall be immediately liable to discharge all its financial and other obligations to the League. In the event of any such obligation remaining undischarged after a period of twenty-one days then such obligation shall be met by the then current Club Members, excluding those under the statutory school leaving age. Until a Member�s pro rata obligation is discharged in full the Member shall not be allowed to participate in the League, which may apply to the Club�s Parent County Association for a suspension order. |